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Canal Coffee 视觉形象设计

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 Canal Coffee 视觉形象设计

Canal Coffee 视觉形象设计

Canal Coffee 视觉形象设计

Canal Coffee 视觉形象设计

Canal Coffee 视觉形象设计

Canal Coffee 视觉形象设计

Canal Coffee 视觉形象设计

Canal Coffee 视觉形象设计


Canal Coffee 视觉形象设计

The city of Amsterdam pioneered the coffee trade and was home to one of the first coffee houses in Europe. As tradition goes, these coffee drinking establishments were a favorite pastime of Amsterdammers until they turned the coffee houses into coffee shops... but that’s a whole different story. The Canal Coffee Co. celebrates Amsterdam’s heritage with an exceptional coffee roast inspired by the spirit of the city. We’ve created a modern brand, identity and packaging with its roots in the coffee culture of the Dutch capital.

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