About project
Scenty presso is a coffee maker which has function of coffee diffuser also. People enjoy coffee by its taste, flavor and scent. Scenty presso can satisfy all these needs. User can feel coffee scent while they enjoy coffee. I designed scenty presso to enjoy coffee 100%.
Scenty Presso 是一个能同时散发咖啡香味的咖啡冲泡器。要在平时喝咖啡时只能品尝到咖啡的口感、风味和微弱的香气,而 Scenty Presso 能增强您感官香气。
Aroma of coffee & Usability of used coffee ground
Used coffee ground is a good deodorant and air freshener. It can reduce bad smell in the room or kitchen such as shoes smell, refrigerator's food smell. Therefore, some people put used coffee ground in small bag or cup and place it where it needs to be put. But people who know this advantage tend not to use used coffee grounds because the process is so complicated and tiresome. In order to use used coffee grounds as air freshener, user has to dry it perfectly and put them in small bag or cup. And finally, place it where user wants. I wanted to simplify this process through my design.
冲泡完后剩下的咖啡渣是非常好的除臭和空气净化剂。咖啡渣能减少室内难闻的气味,比如房间里的臭鞋子,厨房冰箱里的异味。 因此,有些喝咖啡的人用小袋子或杯子把咖啡渣装起来放在需要除异味的地方。但是因为这个过程是如此的复杂和令人厌烦。为了使用二手咖啡渣作为空气清新剂,使用者必须待它完全干燥,再将其放入小袋或杯中。最后,才把它放在用户想要的地方。产品设计者想通过设计来简化这个过程
A brand new coffee maker
User can make coffee easily by putting mixed coffee grounds and water into it. After making coffee, used coffee grounds are used as diffuser. Consequently, using scenty presso means reduce of waste, recycling and drinking coffee more pleasantly.
用户只需往 Scenty Presso 倒入咖啡粉和热水,就能冲泡咖啡。 再冲泡完成后,剩下的咖啡渣像扩散器,因此,用 Scenty Presso 循环利用废物减少了浪费,还让享用咖啡时感觉更加的愉快。
Using natural evaporation technology
Recently, BALMUDA devveloped a new humidifier and natural evaporation technology is used. Structure of scenty presso is inspired by the technology. Natural evaporation technology is based on natural evaporation phenomenon. Adding power of wind on this, it can improve the effect of product.
最近,BALMUDA 研发了一种新的加湿器和自然蒸发技术。Scenty Presso 的结构灵感来自于该技术。自然蒸发技术是以自然蒸发现象为基础的。增加风的力量,可以提高蒸发的效果。
Easy instruction and simple usability
简单的结构 使用也很简单
Basic motive of the product is "hour-glass". Inspired by hour-glass's using experience, I put it in my design. By rotating scenty presso, user can transfer the coffee to the jar and simple touch will operation and adjust the product. Scenty presso has 3 steps of aroma strength and it can be adjusted by touching the button.
产品的基本雏形是“沙漏”。灵感来自沙漏的经验,设计者把它应用在设计中。通过旋转 Scenty Presso,用户可以将咖啡液转移到玻璃罐子,通过简单的触摸操作来调整。Scenty Presso 有3个香味强度的步骤,可以通过触摸按钮来调节。
User can seperate the product. Detach the coffee jar to store in the fridge. There is a rubber cover which can cover the top of the jar.
Designed by Taeyeon Kim