

点击次数:2914 更新时间:2018年01月15日10:20:43 打印此页 关闭

Hydrating the right way before aworkout helps your muscles operate at prime condition. 

“When your body is dehydrated, youdon’t have the proper muscle power, accuracy, and balance you need to completea decent workout,” says Angela Onsgard, R.D., resident nutritionist at MiravalResort & Spa in Tucson, Arizona.

But what you put in your bodypre-workout definitely matters. According to Columbia University, you’re supposed to drink 20 ounces ofwater two hours before a workout, another eight ounces during warm-up, and anadditional eight ounces every 10 to 20 minutes depending on the amount of sweatyou’re producing. 

That’s a lot of liquid—so let’smake sure you’re sipping the right stuff.

Here what you should never chugbefore a workout.


“当身体脱水时,你将失去完成一次良好的健所需的肌肉力量、精准性和平衡,” Angela Onsgard说。她是美国亚利桑那州,图森市Miraval度假村的驻地营养学专家。



Milk-basedenergy drinks

Save any drinks with dairy for after the workout. 

“Dairy-containing beverages are better to consumepost-workout as opposed to before or during,” says Onsgard. 

Since milk contains protein, carbohydrates, and fat, ittakes a lot of time to digest, she says. 

Instead, try whey protein packets mixed with filtered water. You’ll get thebenefits of the protein, minus the fat and longer digestion time you’d get withdairy.




“含乳制品的饮料留到运动后饮用会更好,而不是在运动前或运动中,” Onsgard说。






Sugaryfruit drinks

As a kid, you might have loved those squeezable Capri Sunpacks, but they’re just not the best choice to drink before your workout. 

“Most of these fruity drinks are loaded with high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), a manmade sweetener that’s been shown toinitiate liver dysfunction, metabolic syndrome, and obesity,” saysOnsgard. 

Instead, add some flavor to your water with fresh citrusfruits, berries, mint, or basil. 

“Or opt for coconut water, which replenishes theelectrolytes you’ll lose during your workout,” Onsgard says.



你小时候也许喜爱过那些可以挤的水果饮料,比如Capri Sun,但是在锻炼前它们不是最好的选择。






“或者可以选择椰子水,它能补充你在锻炼过程中流失的电解质,” Onsgard说。


This one might sound like a given—but even sipping a beerhours before you go to the gym can mess up your workout. 

“Alcohol is dehydrating, inflammatory, and negativelyimpacts balance and decision-making,” says Onsgard. 

Not ideal when you’re trying to decide how much weight tolift. 

“If you need a pick-me-up, have some coffee of the darkroast variety (which has less caffeine than lighter roasts)," Onsgard says."[It] can increase alertness and improve exercise performance." 








Fizzy drinks, like soda and seltzer, can cause bloating,abdominal pain, and gas. 

They also contain significant amounts of sodium, whichdraws water out of the body’s cells and can cause dehydration. 

If you’re a diet soda fiend, know that most brandscontain aspartame, an artificial sweetener that’s been linked to a number of sideeffects such as migraines, dizziness, memory loss, and mood swings.

“Instead of soda, go for an iced-cold green tea drink,”says Onsgard. “It’s naturally high in antioxidants and is shown to reduce therisk of several types of cancer.”










Lebron James’ defined pecs and bulging arm muscles mighttell another story, but most sports drinks on the market are actually loadedwith sugar and contain little-to-no nutrition.

“You might get some added vitamins and electrolytes fromsome brands on the market, but the high sugar content goes right through yoursystem to cause an energy crash later on,” says Onsgard. 

“It can wreak havoc on your hormonal system and is a strain for your body to process, on topof the repairing requirements that follow a workout.” 

Instead, gulp down some additive-free tomato juice, whichprovides potassium, has natural sugars, and promotes healthy blood pressure.


 也许Lebron James的胸肌和肱二头肌所展示的是另外一种情况,但市场上大多数运动饮料实际上都含大量的糖,它们只含有极少的营养或干脆毫无营养。





Jenn Sinrich is an experienceddigital and social editor in New York City. She’s written for severalpublications including SELF, Women’s Health, Fitness, Parents, American Baby, Ladies’Home Journal and more.

She covers various topics fromhealth, fitness and food to pregnancy and parenting. In addition towriting, Jenn also volunteers with Ed2010, serving as the deputy directorto Ed’s Buddy System, a program that pairs recent graduates with young editors togive them a guide to the publishing industry and to navigating New York.

When she’s not busy writing,editing or reading, she’s enjoying and discovering the city she’s alwaysdreamed of living in with her loving fiancé, Dan, and two feline friends, Janisand Jimi.

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